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1   /*
2    * Copyright 2011 - Doxia :: Include Macro - Juergen Kellerer
3    *
4    *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   *    limitations under the License.
15   */
17  package org.tinyjee.maven.dim.extensions;
19  import java.util.Map;
21  import static org.tinyjee.maven.dim.IncludeMacroSignature.PARAM_SOURCE_CONTENT;
23  /**
24   * This extension adds an inline CSS definition to the current page.
25   * Use this extension to define short-lived style classes or adjust existing styles for just one page.
26   *
27   * @author Juergen_Kellerer, 2011-11-06
28   */
29  public class InlineCssParameterTransformer extends AbstractParameterTransformer {
31  	/**
32  	 * Enables this extension and sets the content to place inside the inlined "<style>" element.
33  	 * <p/>
34  	 * <b>Note:</b> Setting this property has no effect in case of "<code>source</code>" or "<code>source-class</code>" were
35  	 * specified with the macro call. This behaviour ensures that the parameter "<code>inline-css</code>" can still be used
36  	 * with ordinary macro calls where a source or source-class was set.
37  	 * <p/>
38  	 * Using this parameter has no effect when the used Sink does not support HTML markup.
39  	 * <p/>
40  	 * This parameter supports the usage of "{@code classpath:/path/to/css/to/inline}" to load the css from the classpath instead
41  	 * of defining it with the macro call.
42  	 * <p/>
43  	 * As the default brace style of "{}" is used to call macros in APT, the extension supports substituting the default CSS braces
44  	 * with "[]". This brace style is optional but it must be used when more than one style class is defined with the macro call
45  	 * as the APT parser swallows the "}" character, leading to invalid results.
46  	 * <p/>
47  	 * Examples:<ul>
48  	 * <li>"<code>%{include| { background-color:red; }}</code>"</li>
49  	 * <li>"<code>%{include|inline-css=.section th { background-color:#999999; color:white; }}</code>"
50  	 * - changes the appearance of table headers inside sections.</li>
51  	 * <li>"<code>%{include|inline-css=.white [ color:white; ] .red [ color:red; ]}</code>"
52  	 * - Define more than one class at once using [] instead of {}.</li>
53  	 * </ul>
54  	 */
55  	public static final String PARAM_INLINE_CSS = "inline-css";
57  	@Override
58  	protected boolean doTransformParameters(Map<String, Object> requestParams) {
59  		String inlineCss = (String) requestParams.get(PARAM_INLINE_CSS);
60  		if (inlineCss != null) {
61  			// Using velocity instead of a direct call to "attachCss()" as parameter transformers shouldn't do anything else than
62  			// what they are named after.
63  			requestParams.put(PARAM_SOURCE_CONTENT, "#set($success = $globals.attachCss(null, ${inline-css}))");
65  			inlineCss = inlineCss.replace('[', '{').replace(']', '}').trim();
66  			if (!inlineCss.endsWith("}")) inlineCss += "}";
67  			requestParams.put(PARAM_INLINE_CSS, inlineCss);
69  			return true;
70  		}
71  		return false;
72  	}
73  }