Uses of Interface

Packages that use SelectableArrayList.Selector
org.tinyjee.maven.dim.utils Contains the shared utility classes. 

Uses of SelectableArrayList.Selector in org.tinyjee.maven.dim.utils

Methods in org.tinyjee.maven.dim.utils that return SelectableArrayList.Selector
 SelectableArrayList.Selector<E> SelectableArrayList.createInvertSelector(SelectableArrayList.Selector<E> other)
          Creates a selector that inverts the given selector.
 SelectableArrayList.Selector<E> SelectableArrayList.createOrSelector(SelectableArrayList.Selector<E>... selectors)
          Creates a selector that combines the given selectors with OR (accepts the element if one of the given selectors accepts it).
 SelectableArrayList.Selector<E> SelectableArrayList.createRegularExpressionSelector(String regularExpression)
          Creates a selector that matches the given regular expression against the string representation of the element to select.

Methods in org.tinyjee.maven.dim.utils with parameters of type SelectableArrayList.Selector
 SelectableArrayList.Selector<E> SelectableArrayList.createInvertSelector(SelectableArrayList.Selector<E> other)
          Creates a selector that inverts the given selector.
 SelectableArrayList.Selector<E> SelectableArrayList.createOrSelector(SelectableArrayList.Selector<E>... selectors)
          Creates a selector that combines the given selectors with OR (accepts the element if one of the given selectors accepts it).
 SelectableArrayList<E><E> selector)
          Selects a sub list of all elements that were matched by the given selector.