Interface SnippetSelector

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractSnippetSelector, AbstractStreamingSnippetSelector, AOPLikeSnippetSelector, GrepLikeSnippetSelector, IdDefinitionSelector, IdSnippetSelector, LineRangeSnippetSelector, RegularExpressionSnippetSelector, TokenAndBraceSnippetSelector, XPathSnippetSelector

public interface SnippetSelector

SnippetSelector defines an interface that may be implemented and registered via service loading to add new snippet selection mechanisms.


 package my.package;
 public class MySnippetSelector implements SnippetSelector {
      public String[] getExpressionPrefixes() {
          return new String[] {"my:"};
      public boolean canSelectSnippetsWith(String expression, URL contentUrl, Map macroParameters) {
          return expression.toLowerCase().startsWith("my:");
      public Iterator<Integer> selectSnippets(String expression, URL contentUrl, LineNumberReader content,
                                                    Map<String, Object> macroParameters) throws IOException {
          List<Integer> output = new LinkedList<Integer>();
          for (String line = content.readLine(); line != null; line = content.readLine()) {
              if (... EXPRESSION MATCHES LINE ...) output.add(content.getLineNumber());
          return output.iterator();

Register the implementation using service loading:

Juergen_Kellerer, 2011-10-14

Field Summary
static String CASE_SENSITIVE
          Is an optional boolean parameter that toggles whether snippet selection is case sensitive.
          Is a boolean parameters that may be used by snippet selectors to expand the included content to additional regions if matching an element that has belongings in other locations of the same file.
static Iterable<SnippetSelector> SELECTORS
          Is an iterable over all selectors within the classpath.
Method Summary
 boolean canSelectSnippetsWith(String expression, URL contentUrl, Map<String,Object> macroParameters)
          Returns true if the expression is supported by this snippet selector.
 String[] getExpressionPrefixes()
          Returns all prefixes that are explicitly supported by this snippet selector.
 Iterator<Integer> selectSnippets(String expression, URL contentUrl, LineNumberReader content, Map<String,Object> macroParameters)
          Selects snippets in the given content and returns an iterator over selected line numbers.

Field Detail


static final String CASE_SENSITIVE
Is an optional boolean parameter that toggles whether snippet selection is case sensitive. Whether this parameter is used by selectors is implementation specific. Some selectors may not support to change this value.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String EXPAND_SNIPPETS
Is a boolean parameters that may be used by snippet selectors to expand the included content to additional regions if matching an element that has belongings in other locations of the same file.

E.g. when matching a field, getter or setter a snippet selector may choose to include all 3 code locations if only one of them was originally matched.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final Iterable<SnippetSelector> SELECTORS
Is an iterable over all selectors within the classpath.

Method Detail


String[] getExpressionPrefixes()
Returns all prefixes that are explicitly supported by this snippet selector.

all prefixes that are explicitly supported by this snippet selector.


boolean canSelectSnippetsWith(String expression,
                              URL contentUrl,
                              Map<String,Object> macroParameters)
Returns true if the expression is supported by this snippet selector.

expression - a single snippet expression.
contentUrl - the resolved URL of the content to include (might be 'null' if the source does not provide a Url).
macroParameters - the parameters used with the macro call.
true if the snippet selector supports the given expression.


Iterator<Integer> selectSnippets(String expression,
                                 URL contentUrl,
                                 LineNumberReader content,
                                 Map<String,Object> macroParameters)
                                 throws IOException
Selects snippets in the given content and returns an iterator over selected line numbers.

Note: The caller reads the returned iterator fully before closing the content stream. This way snippet selectors can truly implement streaming selection (in difference to the provided example).

expression - a single snippet expression.
contentUrl - the resolved URL of the content to include (might be 'null' if the source does not provide a Url).
content - a reader providing the content. Implementations must read content from this reader as the Url may point to an outdated static source that does not reflect the content to include.
macroParameters - the parameters used with the macro call.
an iterator containing all selected line numbers.
IOException - In case of reading the URL failed.