Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractStreamingSnippetSelector
org.tinyjee.maven.dim.sources Contains the source loading & template execution logic. 

Uses of AbstractStreamingSnippetSelector in org.tinyjee.maven.dim.sources

Subclasses of AbstractStreamingSnippetSelector in org.tinyjee.maven.dim.sources
 class GrepLikeSnippetSelector
          Implements a token based snippet selector working similar as the unix command 'grep' using the expression prefix "grep:".
 class IdDefinitionSelector
          Implements a selector that matches all snippet ID definitions triggered by a single expression "snippet-ids".
 class IdSnippetSelector
          Implements the default ID based selector already known from the classic snippet macro that is part of Doxia.
 class RegularExpressionSnippetSelector
          Implements a simple regular expression based snippet selector using the expression prefix "RE:".
 class TokenAndBraceSnippetSelector
          Selects snippets using an activation token and open/close brace counting, using the expression prefix "TB:".