Disclaimer: This extension depends on client-side javascript and attaches JQuery, JQuery JSON and jStorage to documents that use it. |
Parameter Name | Description |
Input Parameters (set with the macro call) | |
"tabbed-panel" | Enables this extension and sets a regular expression matching the section titles that should be transformed into a tabs.
Note: Setting this property has no effect in case of "source" or "source-class" were
specified with the macro call. This behaviour ensures that the parameter "tabbed-panel" can still be used
with ordinary macro calls where a source or source-class was set.
This parameter expects a regular expression that is used to select what sections turn into tabs and what not by matching
the given titles (headlines). By default the javascript looks for the first section that follows the include position and continues with all siblings (sections of the same level). Neither parent nor child sections are processed, therefore it's mostly safe to use the match all expression .* if all sub-sequent sections of the same nesting level should turn into tabs. Examples:
"hide-titles" | Toggles whether section titles are hidden once they were transformed into a tab (defaults to 'true'). |
"min-height" | Optional Parameter: Specifies a minimum tab height to improve scrolling behaviour when switching tabs. |
Implementation "org.tinyjee.maven.dim.extensions.TabbedPanelParameterTransformer": ApiDoc | Source |
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 | #* Implements a tabbed panel using JQuery and bundled style-sheets and images. When used, the javascript code looks after section titles that match the given regular expression and transforms them to tabs. The lookup strategy for the first section title is: - Find a div of class "section" below the DOM tree whose section title matches the regular expression. - If no title matched, traverse up the DOM tree and find a section title that matches the regular expression. Once the first title is found, all matching siblings are transformed to tabs as well. Notes: - When printing the document, the tabbed panel is hidden and all tags are shown. - The tabbed panel is not created at all when used with a non HTML sink. User suppliable parameters: "tabs" RegExp A regular expression that is used to select the section titles to include. "hide-titles" Boolean Toggles whether section titles are hidden when transformed into tabs. *# #dim_attachJs([ "jquery" , "jquery.json.min" , "jstorage.min" , "dim/js/section-finder" , "dim/js/tabbed-panel" ], $jsSuccess ) #dim_attachCss([ "dim/css/tabbed-panel" ], $cssSuccess ) #if ( $jsSuccess && $cssSuccess ) #dim_attachBinary( "dim/images/tabbed-panel-top-border.png" , $topBorderImage ) #dim_attachBinary( "dim/images/tabbed-panel-background.png" , $backgroundImage ) #dim_attachBinary( "dim/images/tabbed-panel-tab-background.png" , $tabBackgroundImage ) #dim_attachBinary( "dim/images/tabbed-panel-tab-left-corner.png" , $leftCornerImage ) #dim_attachBinary( "dim/images/tabbed-panel-tab-right-corner.png" , $rightCornerImage ) #if (! $tabs || $tabs == "*" ) #set($tabs = ".*") #end #if (! $hide -titles || $hide -titles == "false" ) #set ( $hide -titles = "false" ) #else #set ( $hide -titles = "true" ) #end #if (! $min -height) #set($min-height = "") #end #set ( $panelId = "tabbed-panel-" + $globals .nextLocalId()) < div class = "tabbed-panel" id = "$panelId" > < div class = "tabbed-panel-top-border" ></ div > < div class = "tabbed-panel-table" > < table border = "0" cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" > < tr valign = "middle" ></ tr > </ table > </ div > < script type = "text/javascript" language = "javascript" > $(function () { jsDim.newTabbedPanel( $( "#$panelId" ), function(tabTitle) { return / ${tabs} /gi.test(tabTitle); }, { leftCornerImage: "$leftCornerImage", rightCornerImage: "$rightCornerImage", hideTitles: $hide-titles, minHeight: "$min-height" }); }); </ script > </ div > #end |
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